Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Introducing my blog

Hi everyone,

I'm sure that you've read my bio located to the side, but I don't think it really gives you the full picture as to why I have taken up blogging. You see, it started this past 4th of July, on my second birthday. I decided I was done with the sweet baby season of my life. I was ready to become the firecracker I was destined to be. I was ready to fully embody my two's.

I was always a delightful happy baby. Truly I was. My mom told me that all the time. She is a great lady who I love dearly, but lately she has gotten into a rather nasty habit. She has been telling me, "no." Don't get me wrong, she does say yes, but to things I don't want like, "Yes, you will get into the car seat. Yes, you are going to eat your vegetables." Really I've just had enough! Who does she thinks she is? My mother!?!

I have decided that we are just going to have a battle of wills. I am placing her on a year long program. By the time I reach three years of age, she will learn my rules and boundaries.

I know I am not alone in my struggles; so for all my fellow toddlers out there, I hear you. I will be your voice and fight against the presence of car seats, nap times, hair washing, & vegetable eating. I will stand up for throwing all objects, drinking bath water, and jumping on all furniture. I will NOT keep my hands to myself. I WILL NOT. Together we can make a difference! United we can put an end to timeouts and rules in general!

I hope my writings will make you laugh and offer you encouragement and hope in your daily walk with your parents and siblings. Pray that I may have the strength to each day launch a full on attack against the no-no talk. I just hope my parents realize that I love them and that I am only doing what I do for the greater good (and by greater good, I mean me.)

Until we chat again,

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