Friday, October 17, 2008

Daily Chore Frustrations

In my house there is an extra bedroom where Nana and Grandpa sleep when they come to visit. My mom also uses this room as a playroom. It has some toys, a TV, and a bed. It's a really nice place to be, and I enjoy this room often. However, every time I go in there I am shocked at the order of that room. The bed is made and the toys are put away in various baskets or binds. So I start my daily chore of making the room right again.

I throw every toy out on to the floor. I pull the covers off the bed and place the pillows on the floor. It doesn't take long. I pride myself on my speed and thoroughness. Once I complete the chore of righting this room, I move on to my other household chores: emptying out the pantry, mixing the cat's dry food into her water dish, crushing goldfish crackers on the floor, etc. The list of my chores is endless! But I'm a hard worker, and I accept my two year old responsibilities with a positive attitude that anyone would be proud of . . . anyone accept my MOMMY!

Now, I did not list all my chores to suggest that I am working any harder than any other two year old out there. I know I am not alone. I know that all of you out there are doing your best every day to empty out every bind, bucket, closet, and cabinet. I'm not mad about having to do all the chores. And, it's not the monotony of repeated tasks that is getting to me. (Believe it or not, I truly never tire of it and take immense joy in my work.) It's is my mommy that is frustrating the process.

I cannot tell you what it feels like to have completely wrecked a room only to go back moments later and find everything put up again. One day I had to wreck the guest room three times! Three times!!! I even made sure that I did a better job each time. I just wanted to scream at her, "How many times do I have to fix this room!" And get this. She acted like she was frustrated with me. Are you kidding me? Seriously! I am working so hard everyday to make this house a home; a place we can be proud of, and she is ruining it! Just ruining it, ugh! Sometimes, she even locks some of the doors so that I cannot work in certain areas and rooms anymore. I'm just so mad and frustrated.

Luckily for me, I can do my chores faster than she can pick up. While she puts the toys away in the guest room, I work on the pantry. She goes to the pantry to destroy my hard work, and I move on to the bookself in my bedroom. By the time lunch rolls around, I'm exhausted. Nap time will be here soon. Which is good. I think mommy needs a little alone time. Hopefully she won't be so "cleany, cleany" when I get up. But even if she is, I will still love her. And with my battery recharged after my nap, I know I will have the strength to do it all over again -- and again.

Thanks for listening. It just feels good to vent sometimes. She is really is a good mom, and I love her very much. It's just somedays, ugh! You know what I mean. Are any of the rest of you having to deal with a mom that keeps destroying all that you work so hard on by cleaning it up? Share some of your stories. What are some of your favorite rooms and places to fix up?

See you in the guest room,

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